Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Meat Eater’s Anonymous

I never wrote about market day last week. And I have pictures. So...I guess that means I'll write about it now.

Thursday is market day. The market is set up right across the street from the bakery in a large field. You can buy ANYTHING at the market.

From vegetables and bras…

to fried squid and roasted pig-head.

I bought a laundry basket, a packet of tissues, and a skewered piece of roasted chicken (at least I think it was chicken…you never really know.)

I joined my fellow volunteers at the Baan Unrak bakery for toast with papaya-lime jam.

I'm still eating my chicken. I didn’t really think about the fact that I was enjoying my meaty meal in a vegetarian facility--an atrocious faux pas. When I finally realized that I was surrounded by a bunch of herbivores, I tried to stash the evidence of my blunder in a nearby garbage can. Two minutes later, a stray dog attacked the garbage can and exposed me for the carnivorous predator that I am.

Yes, my name is Kimber, and I just ate chicken for dinner. Bite me. Oh don't do that...

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